Welcome to Butterfly Glen
Ages 2 years-Young 3s
All of our educational practices are grounded in a shared set of core beliefs. Toddlers engage in Art and Music and spend lots of time outdoors each day. Here are three salient features of our toddler program. There is so much more our teachers look forward to sharing with you.
Identity Work
Who am I? Who are you? Who are we together? Toddlers are learning who they are in relation to others, so we invite them into the practice of community. Children, not teachers, are our resident “experts” in putting on shoes and finding lost stuffies. If a friend is having a hard entry, another invites them to play. Children choose songs and books in daily meetings. This is their world: toddlers claim ownership and define as many aspects of it as possible.
Growing into Language
Toddlers’ language blossoms over time, along with a corresponding sense of confidence and social power. We consistently model and offer language that children can use to speak up for themselves. Eventually, they use newfound language to plan their play: Do you want to play with me? What will we build? They use language to express empathy and check in with one another: Are you okay? Do you need a friend?
Artistic Expressions
Along with visits to the atelier, we offer art most mornings that toddlers can revisit over the course of the day or beyond. Collaboration and process matter more than end products. One child might tell a story with oil pastels; the next day, friends add watercolor resist; the next, they cut up and repurpose old artwork to glue on top. And who knows? This artwork might make a surprise reappearance one rainy afternoon.
Our Daily Flow
The Butterfly Glen flows with familiar rhythms and routines that help children feel confident, calm, cooperative and secure.
Greeting & Morning Provocations. Children are greeted with morning “provocations,” a diversity of thoughtfully-designed activities based on children’s interests or next growing step. Children are free to explore and participate at their own pace.
Morning Circle. Toddler and preschool classrooms invite children to join in morning gatherings: children share ideas, songs and stories, problem solve, and get to plan and reflect on their play and learning journeys.
Snack and Outside Time. After morning snack provided by TCS, children head outside—rain, snow or shine—for gross motor fun on the playground or hikes on the trails.
Lunchtime, with food provided by families, encourages valuable communal conversations.
Rest time. Children nap or rest quietly for at least 30 minutes. Quiet activities are offered to non-nappers.
Snack and Open Play. Afternoon snack is provided by TCS, and sometimes by our Little (PreK) Chefs, followed by open play indoors or outside until 3:15PM pick up.
And… we call this a “flow” for a reason! The schedule is rarely precise. There will be artmaking in the atelier, cooking in the classroom or kitchen, special garden visits, family music concerts, cross-classroom projects, and other events that vary our days. Our daily flow allows for flexibility in response to children’s needs, levels of engagement, and bright imaginings.